Genie Awakened
By Michael Dixon, AKA Bacon Slicer

"Are you sure it's not a trap?"

Steve shook his head confidently. "Two reasons why not. First, have any of the treasure chests we've ever opened been traps?"

Steve thought for a second. "No," she answered eventually.

"Right! Secondly, I'm the world's greatest treasure hunter. I can smell a 1GP coin from half a mile away with one leg tied behind my back, blindfolded, and asleep! So I can certainly find this treasure. This has to be a plot item or something. It's worth more than...say, the Atma Weapon. And certainly more powerful."

"More powerful than the Atma Weapon?" interjected Steve, dislodging a mouse from his long white beard. "There's no such thing. I would have heard of it."

"But...but...what if it's a Genie, Grandpa?" asked Steve excitedly.

Steve looked at the chest doubtfully. "If it is a Genie, then it's in a mighty odd place."

Steve had to agree with him. The cave they had blundered into was damp, dark, and completely devoid of monsters, although - she looked up, setting her twin Earrings swinging beneath her green hair - that thing up there might be a boss. It was flat and made of glass, and it flickered occasionally; just often enough to keep their eyes from totally adjusting to the gloom.

Steve adjusted the bandana around his head, and waved at her cheerfully. He's only waving, it doesn't mean he's falling for you, she thought. There's something between him and Steve. Remember that. Maybe they haven't noticed, but I have. Oh, LEO...why'd you have to...

She stepped over and, before anyone could stop her, wrenched the chest open.

It was empty.

"So much for Mister Treasure Hunter," jibed Steve. "Uncle Ulty's a better treasure hunter than you!"

"Hey, you never know. Maybe it did something elsewhere," replied Steve defensively.

"No way, there wasn't an ominous rumble in the distance. You goofed up, admit it!"


Bright blue light beamed from the glass panel above, highlighting every crack in the cavern walls.

"I am...Genie..." The voice seemed faintly unnatural, and reminded Steve of Kefka. She shuddered involuntarily.

"See Grandpa? I told you it was a Genie!"

"And I told you there was a powerful treasure here!"

"So what?"

Steve shook his gnarled staff at the light. "Are you going to fight us? Is that what you want?"

"Fight? exist only to serve."

Steve planted her feet firmly on the ground, her hands on her hips. "Your abilities are unlimited, but you can grant only five wishes at a time, correct?"

"That is correct."

"Steve, how did you know tha..." began Steve.

"Don't interrupt, boy. Or have you already forgotten she's half-Esper?" admonished Steve.

"I have our request," continued Steve, ignoring them. "Return General Leo to us."

The panel was silent for a few moments. "Such a request is well beyond the scope of one wish. All five of your wishes will be needed if I am to have enough power to do this."

Steve looked at the others. "Any problems?" Much as each had their own wants, none felt they could reply.

"Then...So Be it."